Demo Without a Safety Net

no safety netProbably each of us has had the experience of going to the circus, or seeing one on television, and watching the people on the flying trapeze. To heighten the interest of those watching, it was sometimes the practice to eliminate the safety net and do the act without it. Naturally, this meant certain injury or death to that “man or woman on the flying trapeze” if an accident happened during the act.

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Enhancement Requests

please-okI do believe that one of the strengths of Spitfire Management is our close relationships with our clients. Development spends a considerable amount of time and energy keeping up with new trends in technology and exploring what clients will be looking for next in project management software. Each version of the Spitfire Project Management System offers major new features and better ways to get tasks done. But Development also listens to our existing clients, who are free to ask at any time for improved features–both big and small–through enhancement requests.

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Buy Your Project Manager a Latte!

cafe lattesIn my job here at Spitfire Management, I get to speak to a lot of people who are interested in our Spitfire Project Management System. Now certainly, everyone has a budget that is usually difficult to exceed, but reacting to price alone when searching for a project management system really limits the search. The cost justification of any system should be carefully weighed against the benefits that the system affords, once implemented.

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