Glenn Ebersole once wrote an article entitled “Viewpoint: Construction industry faces financial challenges in 2015.” I’m not sure how many of these challenges were specific to 2015—it seems to me these challenges have been part of the construction industry for a long time—but perhaps it is telling that these challenges remain even today. The challenges he enumerates are:
Category Archives: Construction Industry
Why Wait?
I spend numerous hours on the phone each week speaking to potential clients (or as we call them in the sales world “prospects”). It’s my job to find and encourage these prospects into participating in a short demonstration of the Spitfire Project Management System. But, regardless of the system, the one thing that seems to be the connecting thread, or theme, throughout all these calls is the phrase “I just don’t have any time!”
A System That Works For You (Not Against You)
Every business has its own unique set of needs, as does every job within that business.
The construction industry is unique and every project manager’s job is very demanding. It’s like conducting an orchestra. The PM has to know about every note–what it is and how it contributes to the whole piece–while at the same time, actually playing the entire selection with the orchestra.
TweetA Project Manager’s Job Is Hard Enough
The construction project manager’s job is a mix of actions that must be taken. They generally include all of the following:
- Plan the work
- Hire, fire and supervise team members
- Get equipment and materials
- Set goals
- Stay on time
- Stay under budget
- Keep all project partners in the loop
- Communicate well with management
- Draft contracts
- Manage risk
Spreadsheets Plus
In a Construction Technology Report survey, construction industry professionals made it clear that they use–and do not want to give up using–spreadsheets. Likewise, when I asked a new client if she used Microsoft Excel, she answered, “Extensively.” I can understand the original appeal: spreadsheets are easy-to-use and flexible, allow you to list things in an organized manner, and can perform complex or otherwise tedious calculations quickly.