Why Wait?

stop timeI spend numerous hours on the phone each week speaking to potential clients (or as we call them in the sales world “prospects”). It’s my job to find and encourage these prospects into participating in a short demonstration of the Spitfire Project Management System. But, regardless of the system, the one thing that seems to be the connecting thread, or theme, throughout all these calls is the phrase “I just don’t have any time!”

I try not to keep people on the phone very long, but I do like to find out about their needs and try to understand if our system is going to meet those needs. If I’m speaking to the right kind of prospect (that is, either a general contractor or construction manager or larger specialty subcontractor), then I invariably can tell by their answers that I have something for them that will be an excellent fit. I soon realize that our system can dramatically change their life at work and, therefore, their life after work also. But, after further discussions, they utter the magic phrase: “I just don’t have any time!”

Well, guess what. It’s never a good time and it will never be a good time. And do you know why? Because our lives are complex and our to-do lists never end.

If you are not working at top efficiency, you owe it to yourself to improve the quality of your life and not have it left to the whims of others or any other circumstance. You owe it to yourself to call a “time-out”, think about the concrete steps that are necessary to make things run more smoothly, and then find solutions. Carving out a few hours now to save thousands of hours down the line is actually good time management. On the other hand, saying “I just don’t have any time” changes nothing.

So why wait? If a comprehensive project management system could improve your life at work (and after work!), take the time now to learn about a few of them. You can start with our free demo. Looking back, you may someday realize that it was time very well spent.