In my job here at Spitfire Management, I get to speak to a lot of people who are interested in our Spitfire Project Management System. Now certainly, everyone has a budget that is usually difficult to exceed, but reacting to price alone when searching for a project management system really limits the search. The cost justification of any system should be carefully weighed against the benefits that the system affords, once implemented.
Category Archives: Demos
Is It Time to Switch Your Focus?
I’ve been playing a financial literacy game by MindBlown Labs on my phone. The concept is fairly simple: every “day” you can choose to focus on earning money, gaining reputation, or increasing your skills. At the end of the day, your income is compared to your expenses and you either get to add money to your account (yay!) or see your savings dwindle (boo!).
Questions to Ask at the Demo
In a previous blog, which discussed how to prepare your company for a demo of project management software, such as the Spitfire Project Management System, I promised to put together a set of questions that the committee could use during such a demo.
Here are some ideas regarding issues to be addressed during the demonstration.