Lessons from Reality TV

bar rescueReality TV comes in all sizes and shapes, from cramming a bunch a young “adults” into a house or on an island and seeing what happens when assigned “challenges” to helping a business get back on track.  Everyone has a favorite and mine is Bar Rescue.

I’ll admit that I know nothing about running a bar, and the initial draw for me was the expert’s name: Jon Taffer. Like most shows of this type, each episode follows the same pattern: evaluate, plan, train, execute.

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Enhancement Requests

please-okI do believe that one of the strengths of Spitfire Management is our close relationships with our clients. Development spends a considerable amount of time and energy keeping up with new trends in technology and exploring what clients will be looking for next in project management software. Each version of the Spitfire Project Management System offers major new features and better ways to get tasks done. But Development also listens to our existing clients, who are free to ask at any time for improved features–both big and small–through enhancement requests.

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My First Software Prenup

contractsA software “prenup” is probably not the first thing you think of when beginning the search for a new or replacement ERP system, but you may want to add it to your list after you read this.

Recently, I was involved in closing discussions with a prospect. We were heavily engaged in two key areas: software deployment options and acquisition models.

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Leaving Your Comfort Zone

leaving comfort zoneI have a confession to make: although I work for a software development company, I am not a geek, and I don’t like change in either my hardware or software. Some months ago, I needed a new smartphone. I know people who get excited about new smartphones. But even after I chose a new one, and held my new phone in my hand, I could only fret about how it was different from my last phone. Of course, I got used to it (rather quickly as it turns out). Then, I got a new tablet. Again, my reaction was to stress about how I don’t know how to do everything I want on my tablet. Hmmm, I think I see a pattern here.

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