Lest I seem to be judgmental, let’s start out with a professional revelation: I probably make hundreds of mistakes a year. In fact, it is possible I picked my career—one where mistakes are so intrinsic we call them “bugs” instead —because of a summer day when I was around ten, tossing a game of catch in a narrow NYC street. You see, I observed the dense proximity of windows all around and wondered how it was I hadn’t broken one yet. Within 5 minutes of that very thought, an errant throw of mine went through a neighbor’s window. Oops! I knew then and there I was going to make plenty of mistakes.
Category Archives: Our Clients
The Day You Appreciate the Tool / System / Software
I like to cook my own dinners. Often these dinners require some amount of chopping—of garlic, peppers, olives, tomatoes, parsley, etc. I’m so used to the chopping that I used to not think much about it, until I saw a nifty kitchen gadget called the Kitchen King Pro Manual Food Processor. For some reason, the hand crank appealed to me: I would still be prepping my food (deserving of thanks for my “hard work”), but it would be easier. So I bought one.
My Very Own System
I don’t know about you, but when I start a new RPG game, I really enjoy the part where I get to create my character. Okay, “create” is not the right word because I’m not drawing anyone from scratch. However, I am given choices for body shape, face shape, hair style and color, eye shape and color, voice, etc. By the time I am done selecting my choices, I have a unique character.
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That’s Not Me!
Identity Theft is real concern. Millions of people in the U.S. are victims of Identity Theft each year. Identity Theft has grown into a full-time business and spawned a new business, Identity Theft Prevention.