Best of a New Breed

connected puzzle piecesI once read a blog post by Joel Levy at Construction Digital that included lots of interesting statistical information about construction software buyers. In fact, lots of the data in that article is a ringing endorsement for both our project management system and the timeliness and topical relevance of our blog posts over the last year.  Yes, even the one about Freeze Rays.

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Stop Already

emailI had been planning to write something really technical and boring about scalability, but then I read in Dorothy’s blog last week about ⅓ of our time being wasted (my word) looking for our lost things. Wow. That’s really sad.

Then I heard that one of our newest clients was asking at the end of each training session “we can still use email, right?”  (And the trainer would sigh and reply: “Yes, of course”). It is a good thing they don’t let me near those classes, because I would feel obligated to add “but only if you are a fool.”

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The Riskier Risk

two cars on roadI was out for another bike ride this past weekend and I noticed once again how differently the drivers in Virginia and New York behave. In Virginia, drivers seem to stay in the far right of their lane, hugging the white line. In New York, the opposite is true: drivers seem to prefer the center yellow line and leave as much space as possible on the right.

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A Tribute to Jon Taffler

jon-2It doesn’t matter how much warning you have to prepare. All of us at Spitfire are mourning the death of Jon Taffler with great sorrow. Even though Jon sometimes granted me the title of “official company philosopher,” I am not sufficiently gifted with words to coax them to convey the magnitude of emptiness that results from losing a friend far too soon.  Our hearts ache in sympathy for his family and children at this terrible loss.

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