The Steak, The Sizzle, The Dream. What Hooked You?

steakSoni’s blog What a Waste got me thinking and provided the inspiration for my own blog post: The Steak, the Sizzle, the Dream…what hooked you?

Living on the sales front lines I’m constantly exposed to product presentations delivered by a diversely talented group of professional presenters, sales people and subject matter experts. Yep, I too have delivered my share of product demos. I’m not expert but have years of experience.

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What a Waste…

exercise equipmentHas this ever happened to you? You watch an infomercial on some new exercise equipment that allows you to do a great number of exercises that work your muscles and burn calories. It looks fairly easy to do. Maybe it even looks fun! You watch long enough to be convinced that you need this equipment. That you could do the exercises. That you could have a better body by following the program or included video. Then you find out the price. Oh no, it’s expensive. That gives you pause…. Should you spend the money? You think about this for awhile, maybe going back and forth in your decision. Finally, you decided that yes, you will invest in this new equipment because your body and overall health are worth it.

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Self Driving Software

left turnThere has been quite a bit of coverage regarding the advent of self driving cars this year. Having spent my share of time commuting in and out of Manhattan, I had plenty of hours to daydream about how hard it would be to implement—but, boy, what tremendous benefit it would be to my productivity! And the thing about rush hour: you know you are not alone, so obviously those benefits will multiply really fast.  Clearly, the benefits so dramatically outweigh the costs that autonomous driving technology is actually far ahead of where I would have predicted during one of those traffic-induced daydreams.

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Too Much Information Coming At You!


It is virtually impossible to enjoy any connected electronic device today without enduring countless hours of meaningless interruptions.

I’m talking about radio, TV, Internet, smartphones and even the library research computer! Seriously—when was the last time you enjoyed commercial-free entertainment or Internet browsing? Don’t say the movie theater—unless you show up 15 minutes after the advertised start time.

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