Back in the early 1930s, when America was going through some hard times, Ginger Rodgers and Fred Astaire danced their way into American hearts by offering these words of encouragement—”Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again”—in the movie Swing Time. And America responded.
Author Archives: Dorothy McGovern
Chalk Talk – Key to Success
When your whole family is focused on college football every Saturday in the fall, and your granddaughter just wants to know “how much longer” and “where’s the Dipping Dots concession,” it’s time for indoctrination.
TweetThe Challenge and the Solution
April 23, 2016, marked the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and the Shakespeare enthusiasts planned a full year of Shakespeare events. The Folger Shakespeare Library in D.C. had a special exhibit of Shakespeare Folios and other memorabilia on display. The BBC announced a year beforehand that they’d be presenting a live Shakespeare Celebration from Stratford-upon-Avon with David Tennant (star of Dr. Who) on April 23, 2016. And annual Shakespeare Festivals went all out that year.
TweetThat’s Not Me!
Identity Theft is real concern. Millions of people in the U.S. are victims of Identity Theft each year. Identity Theft has grown into a full-time business and spawned a new business, Identity Theft Prevention.
Rethinking Your Reality
Sometimes a simple question can shatter the way you look at things.
What if you worked at the Social Security Administration and someone asked you for the data on the number of people in the U.S. over 100 years old. When the data was examined, you discovered that 6.5 million people aged 112 or older were still listed as alive according to Social Security Admin records. Many still receiving social security benefits. One simple question and now the Social Security Admin is being asked “How could this happen?” and they are looking for ways to reorganize the data. The data they believed was fairly accurate proved to have no logical checkpoints. Just cross-checking the Master Death Index to Medicare Patients has shown that very few of the over 111-year-olds had entered Medicare claims and that those that did weren’t 111 years old. The cross check was an easy concept but one that no one ever thought of using until that one simple question revealed a crack in the system.