Lessons from Reality TV

bar rescueReality TV comes in all sizes and shapes, from cramming a bunch a young “adults” into a house or on an island and seeing what happens when assigned “challenges” to helping a business get back on track.  Everyone has a favorite and mine is Bar Rescue.

I’ll admit that I know nothing about running a bar, and the initial draw for me was the expert’s name: Jon Taffer. Like most shows of this type, each episode follows the same pattern: evaluate, plan, train, execute.

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Is It Time to Switch Your Focus?

focus afarI’ve been playing a financial literacy game by MindBlown Labs on my phone. The concept is fairly simple: every “day” you can choose to focus on earning money, gaining reputation, or increasing your skills. At the end of the day, your income is compared to your expenses and you either get to add money to your account (yay!) or see your savings dwindle (boo!).

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One Size Fits All – NOT

tshirtEver receive a T-shirt marked “one size fits all”?  These are great if you need to purchase a gift and have no idea what the appropriate size of the recipient is. Buy one of these, wrap, send, and done. Mission completed. Move on. No guilt because you met your goal: one birthday gift out the door and delivered on time.

But in reality, when the recipient of your all-purpose gift tried it on, it covered only the basics–that is, the recipient’s torso was covered from neck (or a little below the neck) to mid hip (or anywhere from waist to two inches above the knees). If you just look around the mall or your office–actually any place where people gather–you can see how many of us are the same size.  How could “one size” fit all?

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What You Don’t Know About Your Software: The Ugly Truth

less than 40 percentIn a recent article, I was shocked to learn that, on average, less than 40% of the power and potential of a company’s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution is used in Corporate America.

Less than 40%! That means 60% of their investment is sitting idle and not delivering any return on investment that justified their huge expense.


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